It all started with the eye contact we made at your agency's headquarters. I was a recruit and going through my work when suddenly my eyes landed on your face and got stuck. I could not take my eyes off your eyes which surely have a galaxy in them, they're so bright yet has a hidden pain in them. You smiled at one of the guys and my heart stopped beating. Ahh that smile, that damn smile!
I kept staring at you like a fool oblivious to my surroundings. This gazing happiness was broken by a guy who went "Hey, I need you to meet someone."
When he brought in that someone, I again lost my mind, zoned out. It was you! I didn't know how to react. Well, wasn't it obvious? I have been in love with you for years and worked my ass off the whole time just to get into your agency. Not only so that I can stay close to you, but also it would be a pretty good opportunity for my career. I made that dream come true.
But I didn't know what to do when I saw my dream standing at an arm's length from me. He introduced you to me and you finally noticed me. There was it, our first eye contact. You smiled! Ahh, there it goes again, your angelic smile which made my heart flutter like an idiot since I first saw you when I was 19.
Seeing that smile, those gleaming eyes, it did something to me and I don't know what was it. No, I never expect my feelings to be reciprocated but this right here, standing up close and talking, laughing with you while looking directly at your eyes is my peak happiness level.
You are my hero, my inspiration, my savior, my life, and my whole damn world. You always have been. No, I'm not pathetic, maybe a little that seeing you makes me lose my mind but you also made me choose myself and taught me to love myself first. You encouraged me to work hard and pursue my passion.
Well, this was the flashback that kept playing on my mind while you were talking to me. I couldn't hear a word you said but the last few lines
"Hey, it's nice to meet you. Mind if I ask for your number? Now that we're working together, we should interact more"
Of course not, why will I mind giving you my number? I cannot even believe this was happening! I gave you my number and you walked out from my cabin.
I sat down with a thud, my heart still couldn't digest what happened. I just convinced myself
"This is it and this was all you wanted okay? Do not wish for more. It won't happen. Stay in your lane."
We got pretty close while working although I tried to maintain a barrier between us. It was hard seeing you so up close and you seemed happy or maybe it was just my overthinking but I controlled myself.
One fine day, you just popped out of nowhere and said "Hey, let's grab dinner together. I got something to say. I'll text you the venue and time "
You left before I could even say anything. I guess we're grabbing dinner.
My phone beeped:
Dinner at xyzhesjh restaurant
Be there at 8:00.
Don't be late missy!
I let off a little laugh and went home to get ready for dinner. It was pretty cold so I carried my faux fur overcoat that looks pretty cute with anything.
No, I didn't dress fancy and by now you were also aware of that fact. I just put on my pair of blue denim and a white sweater!
I reached the place 30mins earlier. It was such a pretty restaurant located near the woods and also had a beautiful sitting area in the front.
Just then, I saw my phone ringing. It was a call that I dreaded receiving but I had to. Well, that call kinda ruined my mood and you saw that from a distance. You saw me behave like a lunatic, shed a few tears, and stand up back again.
I didn't know that. You walked towards me and jumped "Hi! Heheheh"
"You moron!" I screamed losing my breath because I was scared.
You said sorry and shoved a flower bouquet in my hands.
"Umm, just a little gift for doing your job nicely"
I said thanks and we went inside the restaurant. We talked a lot while eating. I got a little tipsy from all the alcohol but it was okay! I had a lot of fun.
After our dinner, we came out! The environment was so beautiful. It looked magical. You asked
"Hey, do you maybe want to take a walk in the woods?"
Oh no no no, this is exactly what I shouldn't let happen but it is. This is going in the wrong direction. But, my heart sank and I just couldn't refuse.
We started walking in the woods. A cool breeze was blowing and messed all my hair up! I tucked the hair behind my ears and started walking again. Something pierced through my heels and it hurt. It was a piece of thorn. You wanted to help but I didn't let you.
I pulled it out myself. I couldn't walk properly so we held hands. Ugh, this feels so wrong yet so right. We started walking until we found a big beautiful tree and sat down under it.
"Let's sit here for some time," You said in a very soothing tone.
No no no, what are you doing? I kept saying to myself but again my heart couldn't say no. So we sat there.
You looked at my eyes again directly and started to stroke my head gently.
"I saw. You don't have to explain anything" you said while hushing me and pulled me closer to your arms.
Once again I couldn't believe this was happening but I was happy. I was there actually wrapped between your arms without any regrets.
"You know this won't take us anywhere right? You also know that I've loved you for as long as I could remember. You also know that you're the reason I'm here?" I mumbled.
"Hush! Stay like this. It's nice. Somethings are better left unsaid!" You said while placing a peck on my head.
That moment felt like an eternity of happiness which I will cherish for the rest of my life even after knowing that this will reach nowhere! ❤️💜